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There will be more people in Denmark, and that will continue for the next few years. But compared to what Statistics Denmark expected last year, there is the prospect of a slightly slower growth in the population.
According to Statistics Denmark, the slight downward adjustment is due to the fact that a slightly higher proportion of boys is now expected. And their life expectancy is not as long as that of girl children.
However, this does not change the fact that life in Denmark is expected to get longer and longer.
In the future, the Danish population will consist of a larger proportion of older people. By 2022, five percent of the population will be over 80 years old. If Statistics Denmark’s forecast for the development comes true, ten percent in 2060 will be over 80 years old.
It will affect both society and citizens. Among other things, this means that when the Danes get older, they have to save up for several years of retirement.
According to private economist Brian Friis Helmer from Arbejdernes Landsbank, more and more people will have to decide that they should have enough money for a longer retirement life.
“It basically puts the Danes in front of two choices. They should either save more for retirement or stay longer in the labor market – unless you want to go down in living standards during retirement,” he writes in an analysis of the forecast.
“Something that makes it possible for wealth to last longer is to stay in the labor market for several years. Politicians are constantly raising the retirement age.«
“This means that especially the very young have several years to save if they want to retire to the expected retirement age.«
He points out that it is also becoming more important to start your pension savings early in your working life.
/ ritzau/