Outlook: Microsoft is apparently starting a continuous fire of innovations

Last week, Microsoft released the highly anticipated new version of the new Outlook app, which can now be tried out as a beta. Since then, new information has been appearing almost every day, now there are three more previously unknown features.

Microsoft has been working on a project called One Outlook for a long time. This wants to put the mail and calendar client of the Redmond Group on a common basis, on all platforms on which Outlook is available. Since the release of the preliminary version, new information about still planned features has been appearing almost every day.

Three new Outlook features

Just yesterday we reported that Microsoft is working on a new type of response mode for e-mails, now there are three more entries in the Outlook or Microsoft 365 roadmap. The first entry promises an “update of the RSVP user experience”, i.e. the approval or rejection of appointments and meetings. What exactly Microsoft is planning here is not exactly known, Dr. Windows but I suspect that this is about a function where you can define the type of participation – i.e. whether you participate personally or virtually.

Point 2 is devoted to the add-in previously known as FindTime. This functionality will be natively integrated into Outlook in the future. With this, surveys can be created, with these “meeting polls” specific dates can be selected and shared with others in order to find a suitable time.

Finally, there is a roadmap entry that can be translated as “Microsoft Feed on the Outlook Mobile search page”. Here we are talking about the mobile version of Outlook and, more precisely, about a new content feed, which “should help users to keep abreast of interesting events in Microsoft 365”. This includes “updates and insights about people, documents and other artifacts,” according to Microsoft. The completion of these features is planned for June or August.

See also:

Logo, Office, E-mail, Office 365, Mail, Outlook, Microsoft Office, microsoft 365, Microsoft 365 f

Logo, Office, E-mail, Office 365, Mail, Outlook, Microsoft Office, Microsoft 365, Microsoft 365 fr Company, Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Mail, Microsoft Mail, Outlook Mobile

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