OL-exposure provides ekstraregning of 12 billion crowns

It costs the organizers of the OLYMPICS in Tokyo, nearly 12 billion dollars to postpone the sommerlegene from 2020 to 2021.

It writes the newspaper the yomiuri Shimbun, according to the AFP news agency.

The original budget was for it, at the current exchange rate is equivalent to 81 billion dollars. With ekstraregningen there is thus an increase of 15 percent. The new budget must be officially adopted in mid-december.

The organizers have otherwise saved approximately 1.7 billion crowns by cutting down on several areas, including staff and fireworks.

The big sporting event was as much a victim of coronapandemien, which earlier this year stunned the majority of the sport the world over.

The pandemic also provides the organizers of the OLYMPICS, new challenges, and among other things they paid for a variety of coronaforanstaltninger to prevent the spread of infection during the games.

The expectation is, however, that the actions will be paid by the japanese government, and they are therefore not included in the new budget.

Organizers announced Friday that they will continue generalprøver and take decision on the spectators in the course of the spring. Because of the pandemic, it is uncertain how many spectators that can be closed in order to attend the games.

The president of The International Olympic Committee (IOC), Thomas Bach, has spoken optimistically about the possibility of closing the spectators into.

The OLYMPICS begins after the plan 23. July of next year.


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