The bitcoin for the first time surpasses the bar of $ 30,000

Where will continue to increase rapidly during the bitcoin ? The famous cryptomonnaie has seen its price exceed $ 30,000 for the first time in its history, on Saturday 2 January. To 14 hours (Paris time), the bitcoin was worth 31 502,77 dollars, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. It had crossed for the first time the threshold of $ 20,000 on the 16th of December last. “Appetite for risk” which is reflected in the purchases of this cryptomonnaie “remains indomitable,” said, in a note, the an independent analyst based in Germany Timo Emden, director of Emden Research. For him, ” in view of the dynamic of the course, more historic highs could follow.”

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The recent rally began in late October with the launch of a service purchase, sale and payment cryptomonnaie by the giant of online payments PayPal. In addition to service intended for private individuals, investment funds are increasingly interested in this asset to the price movements of a sudden, while they have long distrusted. “Many private investors do not yet dare to approach and remain on the touch line “, recalls Timo Enden.

And if this was only the beginning ?

The analysts of the american bank JPMorgan felt, however, recently that ” the use of bitcoin by traditional investors is only beginning “. The digital currency and decentralized is even compared to gold. Other analysts of reputable banks on Wall Street, such as Citi, have begun to follow the course of the bitcoin. For many followers of this cryptomonnaie, it draws its appeal from its decentralization. The bitcoin has indeed been created by a network itself invented by anonymous in 2008. It does not, therefore, depends on no institution.

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Not being backed by any asset or the economy of any country, the price of bitcoin has, however, observed variations dizzying. Thus, in 2017, he had started the year at less than $ 1,000, then seen its price soar in the course of months, before a real outbreak between mid-November and mid-December, when the price had quadrupled in less than a month. After reaching a peak near $ 20,000 on December 18, 2017, the course had then melted throughout 2018, to finish this year at a little over 3,000 dollars.

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